history of nursestakedc
history of nursestakedc
history of nursestakedc
history of nursestakedc

In 2015 when the View made disparaging comments about a Miss America contestant over her monologue of being a nurse the nursing world reacted by uniting and showing support to the contestant. There had already been several Facebook groups that nurses were involved in that nurses would discuss unsafe staffing and the need for nurse to patient ratios. A hand full of Nurses decided that if their colleagues could come together and unite over a disparaging comment, then Nurses needed to unite over a cause that was in dire need of not only being complained about but corrected. The cause is the epidemic of unsafe nurse-to-patient ratios occurring across the United States.
It was then that Pamela Barcomb RN, Melissa Brown RN, Deena Sowa McCollum RN, Catherine Stokes RN, and Doris Carroll RN came together and started planning to have a Rally in Washington DC. Shortly thereafter the decision to call it NursesTakeDC was made, as the goal was to get nurses to take DC to talk to their legislators about supporting legislation mandating nurse-to-patient ratios.
Legislation was already developed, but not many nurses knew that the legislation existed. So these nurses made it a mission to educate their colleagues, all health care professionals, and the general public about this legislation. To encourage them to get involved with contacting their legislative representatives to sponsor and support the legislation that would make a standard to nurse-to-patient ratios that could not be ignored.
During the planning process the NursesTakeDC organizing team collaborated with the growing group called Show Me Your Stethoscope (SMYS). Now a growing professional organization that healthcare professionals are a part of, that advocates for all healthcare professionals and patients. To this day the NursesTakeDC event is a collaborative project that continues to focus on the following:
Uniting all nurses to join in the fight to get safe nurse-to-patient ratios
Educate the masses: Nurses, healthcare professionals and the community on the need for safe staffing and the legislation that would establish a standard of care. Legislation that would ensure that nurses could not be forced to take over a certain amount of patients. Legislation that also includes acuity to be factored into the staffing process.
Get people involved in the process of contacting their legislators via calls, emails, and social media. Getting people to visit their legislators either in their own state, Washington DC, or both.
upcoming EVENTS
Unions Join the Cause
2018, April 26th
On a beautiful sunny day hundreds of nurses from across America joined together on the grass of the United States Capitol to advocate for safe nurse-to-patient ratios. This year marks significant success as to true uniting of nurse evidenced by support of Unions. This Rally showed that ALL nurses are combining forces despite their organization affiliation or non union affiliation. Throughout the rally nurses had appointments and met with their legislators to discuss the need for legislation that sets a limit to the amount of patients that nurses are forced to take. The dynamic and influential speakers energized the crowd and kept them connected throughout the event.
Key Note: Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio PhD, RN
Donna-Kelly Williams RN, Beth Hawkes MSN, RN-BC,
Keith Carlson BSN, RN, NC-BC, Ann Twomey RN, Leslie Silket BSN, RN, Kate McLaughlin BSN, RN, Linda Boly RN, Charlene Harrod-Owuamana, LPN, HBOT, Julie Murray RN, Ann Ulbrich Marshall RN, Alene Nitzky PhD, RN, OCN, Julie Murray RN, Susan Pratt RN, Doris Carroll BSN, RN-BC, CCRC, Janie Harvey Garner RN, Deena Sowa McCollum BSN, RN, Jalil Johnson PhD, BSN, ANP-BC
Unions that showed support of the 2018 NursesTakeDC Rally include: Illinois Nurses Association (INA), Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Healthcare Professionals & Allied Employees (HPAE), UAW Local 2213 Professional Registered Nurses. Sponsorship money collected goes toward the cost of the event and future events that support nurse-to-patient ratios.
40 States Strong
2017, May 5th
Several hundred nurses from 40 states rallied in Washington D.C. to advocate for safe nurse-to-patient staffing ratios. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate on this day and the event was moved to from the Capitol to the Hilton. Despite this change of venue over 750 nurses we able to attend the event, hear speakers, share their stories and support each other. A small contingency of nurses did make it back to the capitol later in the day once the weather cleared.
Jalil Johnson BSN, MS, RN, ANP-BC, PhD (C), Katie Duke MSN, ACRP, RN,Terry Foster MSN, RN,
Deena Sowa McCollum BSN, RN, Linda Boyl RN, Catherine Costello RN, Kelsey Rowell RN, Leslie Silket BSN, RN, Dan Walter, Nicole Reina BSN, RN, CEN, Monique Doughty BSN, RN, Doris Carroll BSN, RN-BC-CCRC, Charlene Harrod-Owuamana LPN,HBOT, WC, Debbie Hickman RN, Janie Harvey Garner RN
1st NursesTakeDC Rally
2016, May 12th
Two hundred nurses rallied for safe nurse-to-patient ratios in Washington D.C. Many had appointments with their legislators and were able to discuss the need for safe nurse-to-patient ratios.
Kelsey Rowell RN, Andrew Lopez RN, Sandy Summers RN
Caroline Thomas RN, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Congresswoman Joyce Beatty , Congresswoman Donna Edwards
Janie Harvey Garner RN