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Evidence based RESEARch supporting safe staffing



  1. Patient outcomes and cost savings associated with hospital safe nurse staffing legislation: an observational study

  2. Alternative Approaches to Ensuring Adequate Nurse Staffing:The Effect of State Legislation on Hospital Nurse Staffing

  3. Effects of nurse-to-patient ratio legislation on nurse staffing and patient mortality, readmissions, and length of stay: a prospective study in a panel of hospitals

  4. Is Hospital Nurse Staffing Legislation in the Public’s InterestIs Hospital Nurse Staffing Legislation in the Public’s Interest?An Observational Study in New York State

  5. Better Nurse Staffing Is Associated With Survival for Black Patients and Diminishes Racial Disparities in Survival After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrests

  6. Better nurse work environments associated with fewer readmissions and shorter length of stay among adults with ischemic stroke: A cross‐sectional analysis of United States hospitals.

  7. Evaluation of hospital nurse-to-patient staffing ratios and sepsis bundles on patient outcomes

  8. Is Hospital Nurse Staffing Legislation in the Public's Interest?: An Observational Study in New York State

  9. Patient outcomes and cost savings associated with hospital safe nurse staffing legislation: an observational study

  10. Time to Ensure Sufficient Nursing Home Staffing and Eliminate Inequities in Care

  11. Hospital nurse staffing and sepsis protocol compliance and outcomes among patients with sepsis in the USA: a multistate cross-sectional analysis

  12. Effects of nurse-to-patient ratio legislation on nurse staffing and patient mortality, readmissions, and length of stay: a prospective study in a panel of hospitals

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